
Don't Repeat Yourself.


How to install gosseract to CentOS 7

What is this document for? "gosseract" is a Tesseract-OCR wrapper for Golang, and this document is for an issue reported to "gosseract" github.com Reproduce the issue Set up environment for simulating CentOS # because I'm using MacOS % doc…


let filepath = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("message", ofType:"json") // 1. Resourcesっていうグループ(と物理ディレクトリ)作ってるけど、ファイル名だけでよい // 2. 返り値はnullable(String?)なので注意 let data = NSData(contentsOf…

【Go言語】GoでJWT(JSON Web Token)を使うサンプル


参考 JSON Web Tokens - jwt.io GitHub - dgrijalva/jwt-go: Golang implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) jwt - GoDoc GitHub - slok/go-jwt-example: Golang & jwt (Jason web token) example ← なんかこれ今時点で動かなかったので package main impo…